anaemic flower garden


Hello there! You probably don't know who I am, but welcome to my shitty website, where I will dedicate time to posting any old random bollocks on here whenever I feel like it! Anyone lucky enough to have stumbled upon this has been lucky enough to see the very first version of this website ever! That's pretty cool, right? Anyways, I still don't really know what I'm going to do with this website at the moment. I just figured the novelty of having my own old-school website was a sick idea. Something I could come back to from time to time whenever I please.

Maybe you have a few questions on your mind at the moment:

First off, truth be told... the name of the website doesn't truly mean anything. You can give it your own meaning if you want, it's entierly up to interpretation. In reality, I just wanted a cool sounding website name. Something that maybe sounds a little bit edgy and off-putting. But really, this website is nothing but the innocent ramblings of a bored university student wanting to do something in his free time. Or is it?

Secondly, there's not really any true purpose to any of this, I guess. Not unless you want a meaningless deep dive in someone else's life, in which case have fun! I'll also spend time on here just posting my thoughts on certain things, or geeking out about stuff. Nothing too interesting, but I guess there's an audience for just about everything, even if that audience may just consist of the guy writing all of this down on his laptop at midnight every night.

And to acknowledge that final question... I'm just really bored with the state of the internet as it is today. Say whatever you want, I know this sort of thing might be super clichéd now, but I just miss the simplicity of the old internet. The cheesiness of it. It had a charm to it which I guess is not as easily translated nowadays. I like reminiscing on this kind of stuff. It's what makes me happy at the end of the day.

a bit about me:

Unless I am your friend in real life, in which case I've probably directed you to this website, you probably don't know who I am. I am currently on my first year as a university arts student. I'm having a lot of fun with it as I'm writing this. I try to keep creative, as I dabble in illustrating, music, writing and pretty much everything else that you could think of. In particular, I'm quite a music nerd. Right now, I'm super into hip hop (the good stuff), hardcore, jazz and dub, but I'm into pretty much everything except shudders... adult oriented rock...

I live a pretty plain lifestyle, especially for a uni student. I don't really drink (only on occasion and with friends), I don't smoke or do drugs, and I love coffee. Love it, love it, love it... I run purely on coffee. At home, at uni, I even have a nice cup of coffee sat beside me when I'm in bed before I go to sleep. For that reason, I guess my sleeping hasn't always been the best. I'm mostly a night owl when uni doesn't force me to get up at 9 in the morning pretty much everyday every week. I try to counter my uni-student diet by doing light exercises every day. Planks, push-ups, even just going out on little walks and runs. I'd say that's going pretty well. :)

I've also gotten back into gaming recently, but I wouldn't really consider myself much of a gamer by any means, despite meeting two of my best friends at a retro arcade before I started college. But I guess that's enough about me on the homepage... I'm sure you will come to find more out about me if you stick around for some of my upcoming blogs, mad ramblings, stories, poems and whatever the hell I decide to post on here in the future. Regardless, thank you for visiting the website and have fun! :)

Our lord and king, Sir Callum Adams:
Version 1.0 2024

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