the first blog (or how I learned to stop worrying and love pigeons)


This is it! The first blog of the website! And where do I start? I honestly have no clue, but fuck it...

I guess I could start by simply saying that I started on all of this on the whim without any clue of what I really wanted to do with it. As you've probably ascertained from the layout of this website (unless I've heavily polished it in the future or something, in which case hello future people!), I'm a bit of a noob at this... I'm coming from square one. Before I started all of this, I didn't even know what HTML was. It was just something I faintly remember being mentioned in ICT at school and here and there since. But to say I have a functioning? website on the go, I'd say I have done quite well at it so far! Let's just hope I remember to stay active on here and not abandon this website like I do with most things I work on.

Speaking of things I work on, I've been getting quite into writing stories at the moment. It's been very fun and therapeutic, which I guess is why I find blogging and working on my own website similarly as entertaining and therapeutic too. A few ideas have circled my head the last few months in terms of writing. One that's on the drawing board at the moment is an idea for this very involved fantasy epic that I've been sketching out the last couple days, which is admittedly increeeeedibly out of my comfort zone, especially for someone who is pretty new to the world of writing. It's definitely not something I usually write. I remember only about a month ago, I told my girlfriend about how much I find the fantasy genre boring. Anything outside of maybe The Lord of the Rings films (which even then I haven't watched for the best part of ten years) I took no interest in.I always thought it was a wee bit too nerdy for my taste. Well fast-forward to now, and I can't get enough of it. The silly kings and queens, dungeons and dragons, ogres and knights, etc. I want it all! I have an involved storyline unfurling in my head as I write this. I've even gone to the point of sketching out a rough map of the world in which this story takes place. The mythical continent of Blackburn! ...or Blackborn(e?)... I stil haven't quite figured it out yet... Stay in tune for more news on that, I guess...

Anyways, now I am staying with family on a two week break from university. I got the train here, but before that I decided I would grab something to eat before the journey since I was pretty hungry and at that point I hadn't ate all day. Long story short, after misreading an unintelligably handwritten price for a "large sausage roll" (which to be honest was only slightly bigger and thicker than a Greggs sausage roll) and accidentally paying the best part of £10 for two of them (never getting food from a train station again), I sat on a bench with my girlfriend, feeling stupid and I sorrowfully began to stuff my face with my overpriced sausage roll, until...

Two pigeons appeared!

Me and my girlfriend began to throw crumbs of our sausage rolls on the ground, and at first, the two pigeons were cautious of us. They almost flew away on a few occasions, but before we knew it, the two pigeons began to fight to the death over the crumbs. One of the pigeons ran in circles around our bench with one of its wings defensively up in the air, as the other pigeon ran after it and tried to batter it. All of a sudden, the fact that I got scammed didn't matter anymore. Seeing these pigeons fight each other over crumbs for ten minutes was worth every penny to me. Eventually one of the pigeons scuttled away, as the other basked in its victory, eating crumbs from underneath our feet. I'm not sure if pigeons are physically capabe of smiling, but I was certain, and still am, that the winning pigeon had a beaming smile on its face, as it looked at us with their cocky side-eye.

At the end of the day, I think the pigeons had consumed more of that priceless relic of a sausage roll than I did. And now I understand that classic image of old people feeding pigeons in the park. This is a hobby that I should partake in more...
