a month later...


Well, it's been a month today since my first blog post! And... here is my second? And... there's been no updates to the website for a month either? How lazy of me...

I guess there's a couple reasons that I stopped doing anything on here for a month. The first being (truthfully) that inbetween these last few weeks, I totally forgot about this website. For a brief second every now and again, whether I was at uni or on the bus, the thought flickered in my mind, "wait a minute, I have a ghost-town of a website to update." And then as quick as I remembered this website, I forgot and moved on with my day. In my defense though, I have been focusing on other things, such as uni work. As I write this, I have a week to complete four assignments. Thankfully one of these assignments are finished. Two of them I haven't even properly started yet. And one of them is a live performance, which is due the same day the rest of my work is. It's a lot to think about right now and although I'm not worried or overwhelmed by any of it, I have purely focused my attention on these assignments, which means I haven't really had the chance to update this website any further.

I've also been trying to get back into skateboarding recently. I used to skate loads, but for the last three or four years I haven't been skating at all. That's something I've wanted to fix for a while. In college, most of my friends took up skating and I was the only one who wasn't skating because I was doing other things. It's something I really regret. But now I am back at it, back to square one again. At the moment I can cruise around, do some minor tricks, and I'm practicing my ollies too. The best time to go skating is on a Sunday when all the shops are closed. I go to empty parking lots and just have a nice cruise around and practice some tricks. Last week there was this other skater I bumped into at a parking lot. They were on their phone whilst I was there, not really doing anything other than gently going back on forth on their skateboard. At first I thought they were filming a video or a tutorial of some sorts because they stopped talking when a homeless guy walked past them. But after some further half-eavesdropping I soon realised they were talking to a friend or a partner on the phone. I didn't want to disturb them so I just kept on practicing instead. Maybe I'll bump into them again tomorrow.

Another thing that I've been doing the last couple of days is watching old films. I've gone on a bit of an Alfred Hitchcock deep dive and it's been awesome. I watched Rear Window in full for the first time the other night. I watched it once before but I didn't finish it for one reason or another. I just love the set they made for it. Super inspiring stuff for me, as I've been contemplating getting into film-making myself. And the story is so gripping. Same with Strangers on a Train too. My god what a film. I watched it yesterday and that scene (spoiler alert) during the tennis match where Bruno is amongst the crowd looking straight at the camera whilst the crowd are focused on the ball. Wow. That was just pure genius. It gave me goosebumps. I think tonight I'll finally watch Vertigo in full as well. That is a film I've attempted to watch multiple times over the last couple years and I just haven't finished it for some stupid reason. What I've seen of it so far has been amazing though. North by Northwest too! I really haven't got a good track record for finishing Hitchcock films the first time round. It's a bit embarrassing really...

Anyway, with some luck, the next blog will be out in a month so stay tuned... :)
